Who Will You Follow?

(Post 3 of 8)

Each of us is a follower. It is true. It doesn't mean we are not leaders (in fact, followership may very well be the greatest trait of a leader). It just means that we follow in the steps of those who have gone before us. We can't help it. We learned how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich from our family. As a child, I always assumed my parents put peanut butter on one side and jelly on the other. I was mortified when I saw my brother put the jelly on the peanut butter. How could he? Then, my betrayal deepened when he told me that is how my parents have always made them.

We follow. I was taught to read literature by my 11th-grade English teacher, pitch by my Little League coach, run an effective man-on-man defense by that guy in the YouTube video, and make great pulled pork from that menu on the internet. 

One of the most incredible deceptions men fall into is the mistaken notion (#2 taken too far) that they are masters and commanders of their own destiny and that they have independently chosen the worldview they live and perpetuate.

You are a follower. Do you know who you are following?  

Is it Warren Buffett, your CEO, your parents, your girlfriend, your pastor, your political party? Who is guiding you? How do you know you are following the right people? What about people who disagree with you and those they follow? 

What do you think of them? Are they the enemy? If so, why? Are there intelligent people who disagree with you? 

Why? Are you secure enough to listen to someone who follows differently than you? Do you really need an enemy? Or is the enemy just another thing to justify your views, to make you feel 'better,' something to react against?  

What are your thoughts on God? Do you follow him?  Do you claim to follow him, but really just go to church occasionally, giving a ‘nod to God,’ while following your own plan.  Be honest with yourself.  

It is ok to admit that you aren’t sure who or what you're following.

Maybe you are following a vision and cutting your path on everything. Then what is it? Just don't delude yourself into thinking you don't follow anyone. To follow blindly is the worst kind of followership.


How will you relate to women?


The Heart of a Man: What Do You Think About?