938 Partnership
What is a 938 Partner?
A 938 Partner calls 938 Church home and has chosen to follow Christ with us as a part of our church family. A 938 partner is an insider regarding the conversation around direction and formation as a church. In our everyday lives, our partners Build Community, Strengthen Faith, and Extend Compassion. We practice generosity and consider giving an essential part of our worship and discipleship to Jesus Christ.
What is the Partnership Class?
The 938 Partnership Class aims to enhance our sense of belonging by providing clarity on our foundational vision and outlining straightforward next steps for engaging with our community. Participants will have the chance to connect with others while enjoying intimate discussions regarding our shared vision. This setting will facilitate meaningful conversations, allowing individuals to consider joining the 938 Partnership and taking the next step in their involvement.
The partnership process is the beginning of a journey, not a destination. It begins with a modified asynchronous class that culminates in a small partnership conversation over lunch with Pastor Marc, another staff member, and a few others taking this next step. This is a unique opportunity to make new friends, ask questions, and receive feedback on how you can get involved in the mission of 938 Church.
Through the videos and our in-person conversation, you will:
Learn how the Bible is a storyline that invites each of us to partner with Jesus in restoring our world.
Discern how your story and the story of God have come together.
Learn and discuss the vision of 938 Church and how we can serve together.
Learn how to take the next step in becoming a 938 Partner.
Your next steps:
1. Schedule yourself for the next class:
2. View or listen to each of the sessions below
3. Print and complete Spiritual Gifts inventory
4. Complete the "My Story" Form.
Session One–What is the story?
In this session, we will hear Pastor Marc share the story of the scriptures in 20 words and how the church, particularly how we see our church fits in with God’s great storyline.
Session Two–Your place in the story
In this session, we learn how God invites us into the story to follow him and learn his ways of living. This video is about salvation and how God is working in you.
Session Three–Making a new story together
In this session, we will learn about some of the unique aspects of the 938 community and some of the why’s behind our decisions.
One last step: Join us for the Partnership Lunch. If you haven’t already done so, please confirm your attendance for the next Partnership Lunch.