938 Kids
938 exists so that every child has a church community where they can know Jesus, make healthy friendships, and find a place to belong.
What to Expect for our In-Person Gatherings:
When to arrive: If you are visiting 938 Church for the first time, please arrive at least 10 minutes early (9:50am) to get your child checked in at 938 Kids Check-In.
Where to go: When you arrive, head to 938 Kids Check-In to the right of the auditorium entrance.
Upon arrival: We will ask you to check in your child using our electronic system. You will receive a guardian tag with a code. We will also collect your phone number. If we need to contact you at anytime during a gathering, we will reach out to you via text message. To maintain a secure environment, you must bring your guardian tag back to 938 Kids to pick up your child at the conclusion of the gathering.
Schedule: After you check in your child, all 938 Kids are able to join the musical worship portion of the service. After the first three songs, kids will be dismissed to 938 Kids Preschool and Elementary rooms. Parents will escort their children to their respective rooms and return to the gathering. During 938 Kids, your child will experience:
Play time and/or a craft
A Bible lesson & prayer - Learn more about this month’s lesson.
Small Group discussion
More play time
Safety & Security: Our 938 Kids volunteers have a current PA child abuse clearance and criminal background check on file with 938 Church.