938 Parent Resources

We want to help equip you to disciple your child to know and love Jesus, make friendships, and find a place to belong.


938 Kids (Preschool & Elementary)

  • The Sunday morning theme for March: “Big Picture”

    • Big Picture uses a movie theme to help students learn about 5 of Jesus’ parables throughout the month!

938 Students

  • Groups – We believe that students grow in their faith through a healthy small group of their peers where they can ask questions about their faith, be discipled by a leader and learn to the study the Bible in a safe environment. Learn more about our high school small group here.

  • Serving – When students serve in the Body of Christ – be it through serving as a roadie, on the connections team, in the tech booth or as a musician – their faith and confidence grow. We want every student to get to serve shoulder-to-should next to someone of a different generation as well as alongside their peers.

  • Events – We focus our 938 Events to reach the next generation. We have new events happening every season. Stay up-to-date on our events by joining our NextGen email list here.

For any questions about groups, serving and/or events for students, reach out to JC Garges at Johng@938.church.