What’s Your God Question?
We’ve all had them: questions about God, the Bible, science and faith, Jesus, and the church. Christians and non-believers alike have these questions, and we believe these are important discussions to have. Below you will find videos and resources to some of the biggest questions about faith and God people are asking. What we offer are not conclusive answers, but the beginning of a conversation. Whether you are a believer or skeptic, we invite your questions.
Why does God let bad things happen?
Have you ever wanted to believe in God but feel that you can’t because of all the suffering you see in the world?
Where can I learn more about this topic?
“The Doors of the Sea: Where Was God in the Tsunami?” by David Bentley Hart
“The Reason for God,” by Tim Keller
“Encounters with Jesus,” by Tim Keller
“Theological Theodicy,” by Daniel Castelo
Does Heaven Exist?
Have you ever hoped that heaven exists? How do we know?
Where can I learn more about this topic?
“The Great Divorce,” by C.S. Lewis
“Surprised by Hope,” by N.T. Wright
“Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory,” by Jerry L. Walls
“Eternity is Now in Session,” by John Ortberg
Is Salvation Through Jesus Exclusive?
Is Jesus really the only way?
Is The Bible True?
Can we really say it is trustworthy?
Where can I learn more about this topic?
“Scripture: A Guide for the Perplexed,” by William Lamb
Free Will & God’s Will
Do they conflict?
Looking for more?
Check out the sermons below from our recent sermon series, “The God Questions,” where we took five of the most pressing questions people had about faith and challenges to it.
Question 1: Christians are hypocrites, right?
Christians teach a way of life, but do they live up to that ideal themselves?
Question 2:
Has science disproven Christianity?
Is faith unnecessary in light of scientific discoveries?
Question 3:
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
How should we respond to the suffering and evil we see around us?
Question 4:
Isn’t the church a source of suffering?
Hasn’t the church hurt too many people?
Ask your God Question
Do you have a question you’d like to ask our pastors? Fill out the form below and let us know your question and how we can help.